Shannon, one of my sickening talented friends, linked to a challenge on her Facebook page and I knew I had to participate! The Paper Variety is holding a challenge to create a layout, card, or craft piece based on this piece of inspiration:

When I saw the phrase, I instantly thought about my BFF. We live in different states but she is still as close to me and as dear to my heart as if we were next door neighbors. She's my sister from another mother, and sometimes we are so similar it's VERY scary.
So, here is my take on this phrase. As I was trying to complete this, knowing I wanted to use a photo of Sharla and I, I realized that we do not take as many pictures together as we should!! That will change in a few weeks!!!

Be sure to check out the challenge at The Paper Variety, and if you get a chance, hop on over to Shannon's blog and check out her beautiful work! I've had the honor of seeing it in person and it is fantastic!! Tell her I sent you!! :) Thanks for looking!