I love shopping. I love decorating. These two things, when combined, can cause havoc and discontent in our household.
I can walk through a mall and find nothing that I can't live without. I can walk in and out of stores, picking up clothes/shoes/purses...and then walk out without making a purchase. These things are "usable" in that they would get daily/weekly use.
There are a few stores that I cannot walk out of without purchasing something I really don't need which will sit in my house only to be seen by guests. Or my dog. One of them is a book store. I can spend tons of money on books. I love books. I love to read them, fondle them, look at them collecting dust on my bookshelves.
The other store is a craft store, such as Michael's, JoAnn's, or Roberts. When I walk into these stores, my inner artist comes bursting through. I may walk in looking for one (or three) particular things, and I walk out with this:

Isn't it beautiful?! I saw the container in the clearance aisle. Then, of course, I *had* to find the foliage to go inside of it. Then, once I had the entire ensemble put together (in my head), I had to think of a place to put it in my house.
Doesn't it look great?!
D was less than thrilled, heh. Because, he said...this is something we
really need right now, right?
Stay tuned...I will be posting pics because I bought the coolest frame/stand from a place called
Tai Pan Trading. My BFF introduced me to this store and booooyyyy....will my husband be sorry!!! *Ü*