Thursday, December 06, 2007

Only 19 shopping days left!!

I absolutely cannot believe that it is December. Where has the year gone?? I remember trying to keep my children up for New Year's Eve, waiting to welcome 2007, and here we are...twelve months later, getting ready to ring in 2008!!

So many things happened in 2007; many fantastic, but also a few not so good times.

2007 was a rough year for me, personally. I had many things happen between a few friendships, and while one of them is fine, another has been damaged irreparably. Lots of tears shed, lots of heartache.

On the up side of the year, C and Z had a fantastic time racing ATVs. They placed 3rd (C) and 1st (Z) in their classes. We are very very proud of them. H had a fantastic year with soccer and made us so proud not only of her determination, but of her perseverance. She really shined out there on the field.

Right now, in our world, it's basketball season. We had a small break, but now....back to the harried grind. *Ü*

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