I thoroughly enjoy organizing. It makes me feel good, it makes me happy to do, and it makes me enjoy my house just a little bit more. I love having a place for everything and everything in its place...although I haven't recovered from the little tornado called "The Superbowl" that blew through here last weekend.
Here are just a few before and afters I did.
Medicine cabinet before:
Medicine cabinet after:
Everyday dishes cabinets before:
Everyday dishes after:
Cookbooks/recipes cabinet before:
Cookbooks/recipe cabinet after:
Caffeine cupboard before:
Caffeine cupboard after:
Spices cabinet before:
Spices cabinet after:
Pantry before (don't mind the grossness):
Pantry after:
I love having a place or a basket for everything. I also love labeling things. I'd label my kids if they stood still long enough. Labels make me happy. Containers make me happy. Baskets make me happy. These pictures make me happy. :)
Thanks for indulging my inner Martha!