I thoroughly enjoy organizing. It makes me feel good, it makes me happy to do, and it makes me enjoy my house just a little bit more. I love having a place for everything and everything in its place...although I haven't recovered from the little tornado called "The Superbowl" that blew through here last weekend.
Here are just a few before and afters I did.
Medicine cabinet before:
Medicine cabinet after:
Everyday dishes cabinets before:
Everyday dishes after:
Cookbooks/recipes cabinet before:
Cookbooks/recipe cabinet after:
Caffeine cupboard before:
Caffeine cupboard after:
Spices cabinet before:
Spices cabinet after:
Pantry before (don't mind the grossness):
Pantry after:
I love having a place or a basket for everything. I also love labeling things. I'd label my kids if they stood still long enough. Labels make me happy. Containers make me happy. Baskets make me happy. These pictures make me happy. :)
Thanks for indulging my inner Martha!
great job! that always feels great when you see the result...
thanks for commenting on my blog!
What a great job. I hope your motivation keeps going.
Such a wonderful feeling after it is done.
Good luck
oh i love to organize--it is so fun! your looks great!
I'm cracking up at your "caffeine cabinet"! Too funny!! Your cabinets look great.
I go through this every January. Not sure what it is about the new year (or the dead of winter) that makes me want to organize. It feels good, right? :) Your kitchen looks great!
This post and these pictures make me happy.
I too love to organize and rearrange things. I think I let things get out of hand sometimes just so I can reorganize, teehee.
My lable maker is like my best friend.
Oh Stephanie.. (said in a sing song voice) I gave you a little somethin-somethin on my blog! If you choose to accept, then you have to turn around and complete the mission!!! ;)
I know you are BEAT-DEAD TIRED-Want to sleep for 10 hours straight, but you did say you have tomorrow off.......so accept this and do it!!! :D ;D :) please! lol
Lookin' good :) My cupboards are a disaster! Yikes!
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