We have a flower shop here in town that hires work during busy holidays, for answering phones and helping out in the store. I happened to go in to find out if they were hiring seasonal workers at the time, and they hired me as a customer service person in the store!! I've been working almost daily for the past two weeks, and loving it!! Once the holiday season is over (Valentine's for now), I will go to a few days a week in the store, and more as they need me. Once Mother's Day starts in, I'm back to full time! I enjoy it very much, and love all of the people that work there!
It's been a challenge trying to figure out how to balance my household stuff and get myself back into the working world. I've been home for a very long time, and it's taking me a little bit to get into the swing of things. Thankfully I have very helpful children and they've helped pick up the slack. ;)
My bff Sharla has been getting into the scrapping challenges, and once I get myself on a groove, so will I!! Check out her blog and be sure to check back with me!! :)
congrats on your job!!
congrats on the job--
already a follower of sharla! love her work!
Working in a flower shop sounds like fun! Glad you are enjoying it and I hope you get a big employee discount, lol!
Congrats on the job! I used to work in a flower shop and the holidays were crazy! Thanks for the well wishes on my blog.
A flower shop would be such a great place to work at! I love flowers! I'm sure you'll be all balanced out in no time! I'm already a follower of Sharla too, love that girl :) Good luck with the challenges,i can't seem to get motivated to do them yet! Lol!
Congrats! I have always thought that working in a flower shop would be lots of fun.
Congrats! My MIL used to work in a flower shop, it was how she met my FIL (and no, he wasn't buying flowers for someone else... his mom owned the shop).
Hey girly...glad the job is going great and that you LOVE it! The schedule will happen and balance will be restored and we will work on those challenges as our outlet and stress relief! ;) Can't wait to meet up with ya!! Whoo hoo!
Congrats on the job.
Nothing better than a job you enjoy.
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